Sunday, March 20, 2011

My First Post

I believe in America.

Every time the far right conservatives talk about Ronald Regan I think they prove they were not paying attention to the man. When Reagan came to office, Americans were pessimistic and thought the rest of the world was going to pass us by. We acted like Japan was going to be the dominate economic power in the world and the USSR was going to be the top superpower. Reagan reminded all of us what it is to be American. He reminded us of our place in the world and our responsibility. Reagan was right when he said America is the “shinning city on the hill”. In time the country turned a corner and once again recognized that Regan was right. This is the best country in the world.

It seams like too many people have forgotten what America is about. Political commentaries are always about how bad the country is doing. All they talk about is how this group or that country is going to ruin the USA. This is the wrong way to fix what needs to be fixed. The only people that can destroy the USA is us by attacking each other.

We are the shining city on the hill. That is not to say that life is perfect or that there are no challenges. But, we are a free and strong country. We can make the country better and this is what I’m going to write about.